Ucapan atau Quote Hari Lahir Pancasila 2022 Dalam Bahasa Inggris, Cocok Untuk Status Media Sosial

31 Mei 2022, 18:07 WIB
Kumpulan Ucapan atau Quote Hari Lahir Pancasila 2022 Dalam Bahasa Inggris /Poster

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-Let's perpetuate the spirit of unity and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia with the noble values ​​of our nation, namely Pancasila. Happy Pancasila Birthday June 1, 2022."

Baca Juga: 20 Quote atau Ucapan Singkat Hari Lahir Pancasila 1 Juni 2022, Kalimat Penuh Makna dan Semangat

Our love for our country is a form of remembering the struggles of the previous Indonesian people. Happy Birthday Pancasila.

-Happy Pancasila Birthday June 1st. Pancasila is the philosophy of life in Indonesia. Let's implement the real values ​​of Pancasila."

"Because of Pancasila, we who come from various ethnic groups, cultures, languages ​​and religions can unite under one roof, Indonesia."

"Sakti is not magic, Pancasila remains the basis of the state, hopefully it can maintain the unity and integrity of this country."

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-Happy Birthday Pancasila. Carry on the ideals of the founding fathers of the nation, don't let Pancasila become just a legend

-Happy Birthday Pancasila. Let's strengthen the unity and integrity of the nation for a better Indonesia.

- Congratulations on the birthday of Pancasila. We are a pluralistic nation, awaken a sense of nationalism and ignite the spirit of patriotism for advanced Indonesia.

"The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is fixed, Pancasila is strong in our hearts, the Indonesian people are united, become a complete motherland, Happy Pancasila Birthday."

Baca Juga: PECAH REKOR! Ternyata Ini 5 Rahasia Anies Baswedan Sukses Raih WTP Lima Kali Berturut-Turut di DKI Jakarta

"Pancasila is the basis of the state, Pancasila is the guideline for the nation's life, with Pancasila the nation is not divided, happy Pancasila Birthday June 1, 2022."

-Pancasila defines diversity as wealth, Pancasila unites diversity into beauty, and Pancasila does not differentiate. Happy Pancasila Birthday."

-"Happy Pancasila Birthday June 1, 1945-1 June 2022, Pancasila intact for a strong Indonesian nation."

- "Living with the diversity of Pancasila for a brighter future for the nation, happy Pancasila Birthday June 1, 2022."

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-Happy Birthday Pancasila. Maintain diversity, maintain harmony, respect and respect each other, uphold the principle of unity and integrity.

"Happy Pancasila Birthday, never get tired of protecting, preserving, and loving Indonesia's heritage land."

"Pancasila is not a religion, does not conflict with religion and is not used to replace the position of religion".

"Congratulations on commemorating the Birthday of Pancasila. Let's perpetuate the spirit of unity and integrity. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia with the noble values ​​of our nation, Pancasila."

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-"Happy Pancasila Day. Strong because they are united, united because they are strong".

Editor: Ahmad Fiqi Purba


